Insurance Solutions Made Simple

From health to home, we offer affordable and comprehensive coverage that keeps you secure.
Custom Plans
Tailored to meet individual needs perfectly.
Affordable Rates
Competitive pricing for all budget sizes.
Fast Claims
Quick processing to ease your stress.
Expert Advice
Guidance from seasoned insurance professionals.


Leading the way in insurance innovation, we provide policies that adapt to your and your families changing life.


Client satisfaction rate


In assets under management


Claim resolution time

Online Management

From health to home, we offer affordable and comprehensive coverage that keeps you secure.
Our systems
Classic systems

Fast Claims

Discover personalized insurance options designed to meet your unique needs and give you peace of mind.
Our systems
Classic systems

Over 20k companies in 120+ industries use Path.

Custom Plans
Made to meet individual needs, offering perfect coverage solutions for everyone.
Fast Claims
Quick and efficient claim processing to ease your stress and resolve issues promptly.
Expert Advice
Receive guidance from seasoned insurance professionals with years of expertise.

Our proven process.

Browse plans that fit your life and needs.
Adjust coverage to match your specific requirements.
Apply online quickly, secure your policy effortlessly.
Relax knowing you're fully covered and supported.

success metrics

How we help companies


Increase in productivity from our enterprise programme.
Valued by business.
Rated 4.9 / 5 from over 120 reviews.


What our lovely clients have to say

"After switching to Path, I've found peace of mind. Their customer service is unparalleled, always there when I need them."
Alex Johnson
Founder @JUNO
"The claim process was swift and hassle-free. I received support and guidance at every step, making a stressful time manageable."
Tyson Janelle
Founder @Steps
"Customizing my insurance plan was a breeze with their tools. I now have coverage that truly fits my family's needs."
Ethan Martinez
Founder @Globatel
"I never understood insurance until I found Path. Their educational resources and expert advice have been absolutely invaluable."
Tyson Janelle
Founder @JUNO
"After switching to Path, I've found peace of mind. Their customer service is unparalleled, always there when I need them."
Tyson Janelle
Founder @JUNO